The Plaza Group Joins NACD

The Plaza Group has formalized its commitment to safely distributing its products by achieving member status in the National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD). The NACD requires members to comply with the Responsible Distribution ProcessSM, which has been implemented to promote continuous improvement in the health, safety, and environmental performance of all member companies.

The Plaza Group’s president, Randy Velarde, believes that the company, as a chemical distributor should give stakeholders, employees, customers, suppliers, handlers, the community, and the environment top priority when it comes to educating, training, and disseminating any information that is believed to reduce the risk of potential accidents or incidents. “We expect the same standards to be met by our suppliers, handlers and customers,” states Velarde.

The Responsible Distribution ProcessSM (RDP) was designed and initiated by the National Association of Chemical Distributors and its member companies to sensitively and responsively address community needs and public concerns. The RDP’s primary goal is to provide a system that promotes continuous improvement in the health, safety, and environmental performance of all member companies.

Candidates for membership in NACD must comply with the RDP by December 31 of the year following their date of application. NACD’s vision is that “its members shall establish themselves as leaders in health, safety, and environmental performance through implementation of the RDP – its Guiding Principles and the Code of Management Practice.” The Plaza Group achieved member status upon successful verification of its RDP policies and procedures by an independent third-party firm, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC).

Velarde states, “The Plaza Group’s continuous commitment to make improvements such as joining the NACD and abiding by the RDP makes all parties involved less susceptible to the potential risks and incidents which are a facet of everyday operations.” The Plaza group according to Velarde, is fully committed to following and abiding by the Responsible Distribution ProcessSM.

To make sure that procedures are implemented appropriately, The Plaza Group will be conducting annual internal audits. The audit will measure performance, assess the plan and assure conformance to the plan. Furthermore, as a condition of membership in NACD, TPG will undergo an on-site Management Systems Verification of its RDP policies and procedures by SAIC.

Established in 1971, the National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD) exists to enhance and communicate the professionalism of the chemical distribution industry. NACD represents the vast majority of chemical distributor companies. NACD and its 330 plus members have established themselves as leaders in health, safety, and environmental performance through implementation of the Responsible Distribution ProcessSM (RDP), established in 1991 as a condition of membership in NACD. More information on NACD may be found at

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