Contrary to what may be said, outsourcing is not about what you subtract from your business – it is about what you add! The information technology explosion of the last decade has increased the pace and volatility of business, making it nearly impossible for one entity to handle all aspects of running a business.
An alliance with The Plaza Group addresses this issue by improving the focus, augmenting the resources and increasing the value of your business. Scroll through the presentation below to learn more.

Why Outsourcing with TPG Makes Sense
- Complete synchronization with your overall business objectives.
- Organizational flexibility.
- Better allocate your resources to further develop your core competencies, products or markets.
- Process excellence that exceeds what you can do on your own!
- Contributes significantly to your efforts toward higher quality, efficiency, and consistent customer fulfillment.
- TPG strategically aligns itself with your company to foster a long-term value enhancing relationship.
- TPG provides efficient access to markets.
- Reduce servicing costs.
- Minority vendor opportunities.
Your Company without The Plaza Group.

Your Company with Us.
Now you can focus on what you do best and TPG can take care o the rest.

TPG meets all your Refining and Petrochemical Marketing needs.

In short, we deliver a complete outsource marketing service that will allow your company to increase value through superior focus, lower costs and greater market reach. We would be honored to work with you on a customized program to meet your needs.